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Day one of Mary's Seminar Awesome

For reals, I feel so crazy.  And I mean literally crazy.  I wake up each morning and look in the mirror and am like, WHAT THE HECK?  And really, I just want to go back to bed because . .. who knows what sort of surprises the days holds.  And I'm not feeling ready for any more surprises.  Thank you Universe, but I think I'm good for now.  Move along to someone else . . . IE . . . Shew! Only, the Universe doesn't even bother listening.  In face, I'm 100% sure I hear a slightly mischievous  laugh . . . Ha ha ha, she thinks she's done!  It's only the beginning . . . after my morning ritual of looking at myself in the mirror.  Truth. So in response to the trickster Universe, I woke up at 4:56am and got out of bed BEFORE any mischief could happen.  I turned on the fire place and pulled out my old notebook and pen and let my thoughts flow out slowly and unevenly through my hands, old school writing.  Finally, after literally months of beautiful madness (