I Dare YOU: Love is a tricky thing. When it's going well, it's about the best thing that ever happened to you. You feel brilliant and beautiful, wise and witty, and best of all invincible. Nothing can hurt you because you have someone who loves you. Someone who cares what you think and feel and worries when you don't come home on time. There is such comfort in good going love. And I haven't even mentioned how lovely it feels to be thought beautiful and attractive and wanted and needed. It's addictive in how good it all feels. We want more and more and more of it. If we are lucky, this wanting turns to things not just physical, but emotional and mental. Attraction becomes something deeper and more meaningful. But when love is not going well, oh Lordy, how bad that can be. It's like the you've been sent to Siberia without a jacket or Alaska without a snowmobile. You feel utterly abandoned, isolated, alone, and usually equally super dupe