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Barf, Anyone? Travails of Travel (52/60)

So we head out on a perfect sunset night (Friday) . . . and I say, This is an omen, people!  This is going to be the best trip ever (but inside, I thought . . . or is this the highlight? and it's all downhill from here?  Stupid me, why do I have such thoughts . . . that often come true?!)

And it was great . . . until Piper had a peanut reaction and John practically fell asleep driving.  

Well . . . that changed things.

Thankfully, I convinced sleepy John to pull over so I could drive.  

And even more thankfully, I had an amazing play list on my iPhone . . . and having just watched tons of Jimmy Fallon "lip sync battles" (I was channelling my inner Emma Stone--see link), I kept myself very entertained lip synching to every single song on the album (they're all my favorites).

I pretty much would have won every single battle.  And I only almost crashed twice when I was using both my hands to dance and sing . . . and drive (turns out not a great combo). 

(I'm telling you, when I'm famous and Jimmy and I go head to head in the battle . . . I will WIN!) 

We arrived safe and sound at my sisters Hurricane Utah house . . . which is currently under construction . . . there is nothing but a table, a few chairs, and patio furniture.  

But we made ourselves at home . . .  

The girls getting ready for bed . . .

The bedroom for the kids (which we brought)

The patio furniture . . .(and more important the view. . . )

The kitchen table . . .

and the hot tub and more patio furniture (and more gorgeous views)

They woke ups feeling sleepy but good . . .

Until after church, when Piper again felt horrible.  So we waited until she felt better . . . and headed off to Zions.

We parked and Piper told us, sadly, she was feeling quite poorly again . . . we didn't pay much attention to her.  In fact, we may have made her go on a hike  . . .

Here's C getting ready to hike . . .

Oh and Piper is smiling . . . at the beginning of the hike.

We each step, her belly hurt more and more . . .

I distracted her by telling her to look at the gorgeous tree changing colors . . . 

She tried hard . . . 

But right here, below where Finn is sitting (notice he's looking down) she stumbled off the trail and proceeded to be sick behind a tree.

Post barf Piper . . . 

Piper and I headed down . . . the other three finished the Watchman Hike

I ran to the car to grab water and gum (a must after being sick). . . 

She sat on the banks of the Virgin river, staring at this stork . . .

I walked her back to the car (she had to stop once to be sick again --her nightmare--in public) and  told the rest of the family that we just may need to head back home for poor Piper . . ..  Everyone felt so sad for her, they all agreed to head out.

She then spent the rest of the afternoon curled up on the outside couches (only comfy furniture) . . .

Looking at this view . . . (if you have to be sick . . . this is the view to have)

She seemed ok, so as the sun set, Celia and I explored the neighborhood . . .

And accidentally on purpose went onto the golf course . . .

and onto the trail behind the golf course, that overlooks the utterly amazing red rock gorge behind their neighborhood . . . 

For reals!

And back through the golf course as the sun disappeared . . .

Back to the house to finish up the Farming Game (Celia won  . . .)

While Piper watched, feeling finally slightly better  . . .

And then, after a LOOOOONG night of violent thunder and lightning storms (that literally sounded like atom bombs were being dropped outside our house), we woke up, had a lazy morning, Piper was all better (though very very weak), and drove through the rain home . . . 

And what during the two days were were gone . . . FALL came . . . 

The trees are all turning!

My favorite view . . .

Despite the sick, the Zion's disappointment, and the crazy nights filled with storms, it was an adventure.  We played games together, talked a lot, explored places close by, and as usual, remembered how much we like each other.  

So I guess that glorious sunset was a good omen . . . not that things would all go smoothly, but that it would be fun and crazy and the best of all . . . memorable!


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