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Magical Tidying-Up

I almost posted last night, only I was squished between coughing, moaning Piper and tired John.  To move meant to disrupt a balance (and a restlessly sleeping girl) and could result in drama.  And after a early morning, 6 loaves of bread, two Sharing Time Easter week lessons, 8 children (4 college students fed, 80 hot cross buns, 250 candy eggs, one big easter meal, and everyone (except the sicko) into bed, I was in the mood for drama and I was not good for much more than a long, sweet sign.

Today . . . well, it's been so full of good things.  I've been reading The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up and I'm on the third page.  That's how much time I have to read while I got to the bathroom.  The only time I really read during the day.  And so far it's totally inspiring.  But it's also a little depressing because I realized that in order to tidy and organize your life . . . you have to have TIME to do it.  To de-clutter and organize a closet . . . we are talking probably about 3-6 hours here and that's not counting the time it takes to go to and from Wal-Mart to pick up the proper containers (or the Container Store--yes please!).  It's like a serious commitment.  I've had a toy closet I've wanted to go through for four years--and haven't finished it because each time I do, and the kids show up (because they're only gone from the house for 6 hours), it turns into a play date and a desperate cling to all their old toys.  

I honestly think I end up with MORE toys than I started with.  How is this possible?  I don't know, but I can promise you it is.  

So . . . am I going to stop reading and give up?  


Well . . . not yet.  I'll wait until I am utterly discouraged.  Then I'll give up.

Because I really really want my life organized.  I want to feel all the things she promises I'll feel (free, happy, born again, unfettered, able to create, find my true passion, and feel constant peace)--who doesn't.  I mean, if decluttering a few closets will give me this . . . you are mine, closets, tomorrow!

And yet . . . I'm not sure that this is the only way to happiness and peace (don't get me wrong, the closets . . . they're STILL mine).  I can't help but believe that part of living with a family (whatever the size) is learning how to accept a bit of chaos and clutter.  We all are a bit disorder and disharmony aren't we?

Today as I was tidying up after a house full of guests and events and everything was a little sad and worn and I felt very discouraged, I shook myself mentally.  In my anxiety to turn my home back into the "peaceful, orderly place" I was losing the magic of the weekend.  It was awesome and I was forgetting the awesomeness of it.  

Really, what's the point of having a house with spare bedrooms if no one ever sleeps in them?  And having a ton of dishes if no one ever eats off?  Or couches that no one ever sits in or floors to walk on or pots and pans to cook in or food in your fridge to eat and bathrooms to use?  

Sure, you might have order and cleanliness, but if you get all caught up in keeping it that way, you might not invite people over, and if you don't invite people over, you don't have laughter and conversations and good food and memories.


So as I was washing off the hand prints of a few weeks ago with the clutter of the weekend, I pressed my hand to the little smudges and felt this crazy sort of happiness that I was blessed enough to have these hand prints and crumbs and dirty floors and bathrooms.  My house and things will wear out and maybe sooner than later, but I can't think of any better way to go.  It might be a slightly worn house and furniture, but it's worn with love and use and joy.

So Magical Tidying-Up, I'm going to get every single good tip I can out of you, but I'm not going to worry if things are out of place, if there are closets that I might never get to because I'm too busy having fun with my people.  Closets will always be there . . . my people . . . not so much.

Plus, really, isn't tidying up in and of itself sort of fun?  Today as the kids and I scurried around and cleaned the house, we made a game of it and we gave ourselves the reward of going to the Library (I know, I'm like the best mother EVER . . . LIBRARY if they do their jobs--doesn't get much cooler than that . . . no sir-ee!!) if we finished in an hour.  And not only did we finish, but we also carpet cleaned three of the grossest rooms.

I'm telling you, the joy we all got out of dumping that DISGUSTING water down the toilet--priceless.  And we wouldn't have know said joy if our house wasn't a bit of a wreck before hand.

See?  Maybe this is the said magic of tidying up . . . satisfaction over seeing how desperately it was needed . . . ahh . . . yes.


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