Our country is on FIRE right now. Social media probably has never been used for a better cause—spreading awareness of injustice and some serious issues that need to be examined really closely. We are being asked to really think about ourselves ask ourselves what we believe and what might be hidden inside psychic that might be prejudice and hurtful. It’s painful and uncomfortable and maybe even a little sad. But on the flip side, how awesome that we are all getting the chance to really examine our minds and hearts and if we find them lacking, are able to change them. I have found myself lacking. In so so many ways. It’s been humbling and made me rethink how I view everyone and everything. But most of all, how I act or don’t act. Not just in response to the riots and racial issues, but in my everyday life. Am I giving everyone a fair chance? Am I accepting and loving and appreciative of who the people around me are RIGHT no...