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Showing posts from August, 2014

An Island

I have eight stitches suturing my skin together where they've taken out a large piece of bone that's gone crazy above my right big toe.   I feel it stretch and pinch whenever I move my foot and at odd moments it itches like crazy.  It makes it impossible for me to move faster than a worried snail pace at any given moment. It creates this insane electrical pulses that tell me to STOP MOVING THAT WAY this INSTANT and I obey. I find I do not like stitches.   But my life, the last 39 1/2 years, have prepared me for this surgery.  For these stitches.  For this week where I am happy when I can sleep with out three pillows and a five pound boot compressing my leg from the knee down.  For the ability to walk to the bathroom without someone holding onto me from the dizziness of the medication.  For this week of love and sleep and time to stop and stare out the window for hours on end.   I think I may have just had the very worst and the very best s...