I've erased two essays already because they just don't sum up life right now. So I'll sum it up by bullet points: Henry: turns 16 this week (FINALLY), tried to skip his first class but called me to make sure it was ok (I may have screamed no! it's NOT ok! over the line), told us at 1am that he wants to quit soccer (which we may have over-reacted about and perhaps scared him for life), told us his birthday wish was to take his brother and sisters (with out us) to Jump On It (trampoline place) for his birthday after he gets his license. He wears flannels almost every day. Size XL. OH, and he's doing a month long Eagle project in conjunction with the Elementary school and PTA of a Book Drive. Let's just say that he's learning something, but I'm learning A TON. I will be VERY glad when it's over. Phoebe: ballet, ballet, ballet with moments of home time. She keeps getting asked to do these things for super smart people (like take special te...